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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

莲花山公园Lotus Hill Park@深圳ShenZhen

莲花山位于中國廣東省深圳市福田区,主峰海拔106米。莲花山公园是深圳市政府在莲花山及其周边绿地上建立的一座城市公园,占地80多公顷。 莲花山公园早于1992年即开始筹建,并于1997年香港回归前夕基本完工并对外开放。 2000 年,为了纪念邓小平对深圳发展做出的贡献,深圳市政府在莲花山主峰峰顶平台上建立了一座邓小平铜像,时任中国共产党中央委员会总书记的江泽民为铜像题字,并亲自为铜像揭幕。
莲花山公园同时也是深圳八景之一。和深圳市其它的公园一 样,游客可以免费参观莲花山公园。其山脚下有风筝广场、关山月美术馆等景点。~Wikipedia~

Lotus Hill Park / LianHuaShan Park to build in October 10, 1992, June 23, 1997 partially open officially. Directly under the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Office of the leadership of city management. The development and construction of the park is now open to visitors to an area of 60 hectares. Green, environmental protection, natural, fat, building a harmonious and open to the visitors area of 60 hectares, green, environmental protection, nature, harmony is the keynote of the whole park. Park is located in the main peak of the Peak Galleria, 106 meters above sea level, covering an area of 4000 square meters. Comrade Deng Xiaoping's bronze statue stands in the Plaza Central, six meters high bronze statue of re-seven tons, in order to cast in bronze, 3.68 meters high pedestal. Statue of modeling with dynamic, Comrade Deng XiaoPing made significant strides forward walking posture.health as well as a bronze statue by four well-known sculptor of collective creation, Shanghai shipyard foundry. Comrade Jiang ZeMin at the bronze statue of inscriptions, and November 14, 2000 for the bronze statue of himself unveiled the beautiful panoramic view of the central area. Now, the Peak Galleria has become the general public and foreign visitors to cherish the memory of a great man demeanor generation to enjoy the scenery of the central area of the best place to go.  ~ Credits~

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Monday, December 24, 2012


Jumbo Kingdom consists of the Jumbo Floating Restaurant and the adjacent Tai Pak Floating Restaurant, renowned tourist attractions in Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter, within Hong Kong's Aberdeen Harbour.  ~ Wikipedia~

Thursday, December 13, 2012

霹雳博物馆~Perak State Museum

霹雳博物馆坐落在博物馆路,在太平监狱的隔壁,原本是太平市最早的锡矿开采地点,博物馆建于1883年,是全马来西亚最古老的博物馆,面向塔明沙利路(Jalan Tamin Sari) 。


The Perak State Museum is a museum located in Taiping, Perak, Malaysia. It is the oldest museum in Malaysia and highlights the history of the state. The Perak Museum in Taiping is the first and oldest museum in Malaysia. It owes its establishment to the fund-raising efforts of Sir Hugh Low, third British Resident of Perak and Sir Frank Swettenham who was later the Governor of the Straits Settlements. The Perak Museum at Taiping was founded by Sir Hugh Low, the British Resident of Perak, in 1883. The museum was initially concerned with natural history particularly ethnography, zoology and geology, key areas of interest of its founder Sir Hugh, and botany an interest share by both Sir Hugh and its first curator Leonard Wray Jr., who was curator from 1883 to 1903. While construction of the museum began with renovations to the former government offices in 1883 the main building was only completed in 1886 due to lack of funds. In 1889 extensions to the front and back were added and in 1900 a two-storey extension. ~Wikipedia~

Jalan Utama,
Taiping, 34000 Perak
Tel : +605 807 2057
Fax : +605 806 3643

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

霹雳实兆远品仙祠大伯公庙~ Perak Sitiawan Tua Pek Kong Temple


 巴锡班尖海边是霹雳州实兆远福清样一个靠海的传统渔村,这里大部分的村民都是友族,而华人的住家只有三户,神奇的是在这个小渔村内,会有一座香火鼎盛的庙宇。这座拥有百多年历史的海边庙宇就是巴锡班尖海边“品仙祠、大伯公庙及观音堂”。 “品仙祠、大伯公庙及观音堂”包含了最先有的大伯公庙,观音堂及虎爷洞,这里除了供人膜拜及祈求菩萨解难医病外,同时也是一个风景怡人的地方,尤其是对那些爱好大自然者,更是一个休闲的好去处。
最近,庙宇理事正积极将它发展成霹雳州令人瞩目的新旅游景点,并在神明指点下,该庙建造全国最高最大的48尺大伯公石雕金身,观音菩萨和天后娘娘(妈祖),以及大小不一的各神圣金身总数共98尊。有最小的的7尺到48尺;如有:九天玄女、文官和武官、金童和玉女,顺风耳和千里眼、虎爷、十八罗汉、十二生肖、八仙下棋、四大金刚、姜太公、唐僧四师徒及二十四孝等,全部都是由中国进口。除此之外,还有占地百多尺兼风景怡人的鱼池、龟池、假花果山(猴子园),大伯公纪念馆,以及人造瀑布和红树林公园等。~ 摘自ZH-TW'sFB

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

安順斜塔~ Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan

 安順斜塔(馬來文:Menara Jam Condong Teluk Intan,英文:Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan)位於馬來西亞霹靂州 (Perak) 安順市市中心的亞昌街(以斜塔設計師梁景昌命名的,馬來名:Jalan Ah Cheong)。是安順市的地標,是由安顺著名慈善家、商人兼建筑师梁全忠在1885年所建,樓高25.5米,共有3層樓高。是座中國式的塔。由於斜塔上放置一座大鐘,所以被當地人稱為大鐘樓,斜塔四周已被市政局作为斜塔广场,每逢任何庆典都会在这里举办。


The leaning tower of Teluk Intan is the Malaysia equivalent of the world famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. It is located in the centre of the town of Teluk Intan, Perak. The tower is slanted leftward, similar to the Tower of Pisa. It is 25.5 metres tall and, from the outside, looks like a 8 storey building, though inside it is actually divided into 5 storeys.
The tower is located in the center of a square surrounded by Jalan Pasar, Jalan Selat, Jalan Bandar and Jalan Ah Cheong. ~Wikipedia~

Monday, December 10, 2012
