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Thursday, January 17, 2013

东方霓裳 The Oriental Costume~

《东方霓裳》是锦绣中华民族艺术团推出的集民族服饰、舞蹈、音乐和舞美于一体的大型民族服饰舞蹈诗。她按照中国地域东、南、西、北的划分,巧妙地融 进“风、花、雪、月”的诗意,通过浪漫诗的表现手法、精美的服饰制作、新颖的舞美手段、鲜明的艺术特色,展现了中国各民族的服饰文化和风土人情。  
 “北国风,南疆花,西域雪,东海月,中华锦绣”——锦绣中华民族艺术团120名专业演员用350套风格各异的民族服饰来演绎地域风情、人文历史,跨时空地反映了中国服饰文化的绚丽多姿和其所承载的深刻内涵,以及从传统到现代的嬗变过程。  ~百度百科~

Oriental Costume is a large national costumes dance combining national costumes, dances, and music together. According to the geographical division, the performance uses the romantic elements wind, flower, snow and moon. The fine clothes and distinctive artistic means all help the actors deduce the different styles of ethnic costumes, cultural history. ~ YesChinaTour~

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

世界之窗 Window of the World @ 深圳 ShenZhen~


The Window of the World  is a theme park located in the western part of the city of Shenzhen in the People's Republic of China. It has about 130 reproductions of some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world squeezed into 48 hectares (118 acres). The 108 metre (354 ft) tall Eiffel Tower dominates the skyline and the sight of the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal all in proximity to each other are all part of the appeal of this theme park. ~ Wikipedia~

歐洲區 - 凱旋門, 观象台喷泉

Arc de Triomphe and  Fontaine de l'Observatoire

亞洲區 - 富士山

Mount Fuji

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